Oulun Kiipeilyseura and Oulun Kiipeilykeskus are organizing the Youth Open Boulder competition for youths on Saturday 14.12.2024. The competitors will be divided in to 2 groups according to the age groups shown below. Both groups will have their own 10-15 routes. The winner is the one who climbs most routes with the least amount of tries. Each age and gender groups best will be rewarded.
Series: Girls and boys
Group 1. start at 11.00
-Minikids (born in 2015 and later)
-Youth D (2013-2014)
Group 2. climbs at 13.00
-Youth C (2011-2012)
-Youth B (2009-2010)
-Youth A (07-08)
Climbing time: Group 1. 11-12.30 and group 2. 13-15
Competition place: 24/7 Boulder (just across the parking space from main hall)
Participation fee: 15 € (oks-91 members and OKK yearly members 10 €) – payment at OKK front desk on the competition day
Registeration: By email to info(at)oulunkiipeilykeskus.com or through problemator: https://results.problemator.fi/comps/385/register
When you register by e-mail, please state the name, age, gender, age group and the name of the climbing club if they are a member.
Preliminary schedule:
10.00 Main hall and registeration opens (sign up at the front desk)
10.40 Group 1. registration closes
10.45 Group 1. competition info (24/7 boulder)
11.00 Group 1. competition starts
12.30 Group 1. climbing time ends. Award cereony ~13.15 or as soon as the results are ready.
12.40 Group 2. registration closes (main hall front desk)
12.45 Group 2. competition info (24/7 boulder)
13.00 Group 2. competition starts
15.00 Group 2. climbing time ends. Award ceremony ~15.15 or as soon as the results are ready.
A maximum of 80 participants are accepted for the competition. All changes will be updated to this page. If you have any questions, just contact us by email.